Westport Engagement Session
Sovereign Over Us
Aaron Keyes

I have worked with Karson and Bertine for nearly a year now (although i've know Karson for several years) and they have become fast friends and feel like family. We have been waiting for just the right season, light and day to do their engagement session and last Tuesday was the perfect day. I have watched as God has blessed Karson and Bertine so greatly in this engagement season, with the most beautiful wedding dress, rings and so much for as they wait patiently on the Lord. These two are so very unique, and their engagement session was no exception. I think we travelled from the car to our beautiful outlook with a picnic basket, guitar, harmonica, books, fruit and vegetables, blankets and more. I think my favourite part was seeing the card that Karson gave to Bertine to propose, we even put the engagement ring in the card so I could see what the gift looked like when Bertine opened it. They read their favourite book (although Karson has already read it to Bertine once through), Karson serenaded Bertine on the guitar, they slow danced (while Karson sang to Bertine) and then we went out to the most beautiful field with streams of golden light shining down. Seriously it was so romantic, I know you'll enjoy these beautiful images!