St Jacobs Wedding
Warren and Katie's wedding in St. Jacobs was so wonderful it's hard to pick the pictures to show for this post. Warren has been like a younger brother, and I have enjoyed watching as the Lord has taken him on many adventures, and brought him and Katie together. Everything about the day was perfect, from the beautiful weather to a precious first look. Warren and Katie's day ran so smoothly, they allotted enough time to enjoy private moments together, spend time with their friends and have a wedding day that reflected who they where. One of my favourite things about their day (and there were MANY) was hearing their friends speak about them during the speeches. If you've been to a wedding you know that speeches can be a time of cringing, embarrassment and even roasting the bride and groom. Warren and Katie's wedding however was an exception, each person that stood up to give a speech honoured the couple, their friendship and reminded us why Warren and Katie where meant for each other. I laughed along with stories of Katie's passion for public health, Warren's travel adventures, and how the two of them bring joy to their friends and family. I hope you enjoy this wedding as much as I we enjoyed being a part of it!