Ohara Mill Homestead Wedding

You probably remember Trevor and Avery from their super cute engagement session at Proctor Park in Brighton. Now I just have to say it literally rained from start to finish on their wedding day and by the smiles on their faces you would NEVER know. This wedding was so special, for so many reasons, let us try and count the ways shall we. First and foremost we had the privilege and honour of capturing their first kiss at their first look, SERIOUSLY who gets to witness pure sweet love for a living!!! Second Avery has a large family, and for all you who are like "well I have 4 siblings" you aren't even close, Avery has 15 siblings. No that's not a spelling error there are 16 stunningly beautiful/ruggedly handsome children in her family. Capturing their family photos was not only fun, but so entertaining, watching them all interact with each other and watching them all witness the joy and love throughout the day was the best. One of my favourite images from the wedding was Avery's two youngest sisters crying as they witnessed their big sister say her vows to her best friend, Trevor! I have only listed two amazing things and there's so much more, maybe i'll have to just point form so lets see, ice cream bar, cutting the cake with a sword (seriously), Irish dancing, a father daughter dance to make you cry, a foot washing ceremony, teary eyed speeches, a doll with a matching bridesmaid dress, a beautiful bridal party, trevor's sister giving an embarrassingly amazing speech and sprinkles thrown at the couple while they drive away for their honey moon....OKAY now breath and enjoy the sweetest wedding ever!