Mozi Magazine Feature

Well this month we were very excited because MOZI Magazine put out their Wedding Issue and we were featured in it, along with some other incredible photographers. I was asked 'What advice do you have for someone wanting to get into wedding photography?"
Below i've included an expert from the article, if you'd like to read the full article and purchase the issue click here. The magazine is full of amazing articles and helpful tips for photographers like why do a first look and tips and tricks for flattering the bride.
“I can remember when I got my first DSLR, I had no idea what I was doing and shot primarily on the option for night time portraits, I had no concept of bokeh, I thought pictures looked better crooked and I said that I would never photograph weddings. Well nearly 10 years later here I am, a wedding photographer. I wish someone would have sat down with me and shared some of their best advice and tips, so lets pretend I’m pulling up a chair and you have a coffee, I’ll grab a tea..let’s begin. First things first, you need to decide what style of images you like for your business. I think you can spend countless hours looking at other photographers wishing you shot like them but if they’re not your favourite style, if they’re not shooting in your weather climate and if they’re not YOU then look for inspiration but don’t look for comparison...”
I put my 2017 planner alongside the magazine issue because I felt like it's a picture into my upcoming year, new opportunities and new doors being opened. You may have noticed but our new site has launched, along with it our new logo and services offered. I am beyond excited to see what 2017 has in store, but i'm sure if it's anything like this year I shouldn't even begin to predict or guess. So here's to 2017, magazine features and not knowing what the Lord has in store!