Kingston Creative Collective

Sometimes as a photographer you can begin to feel dry. As an artist you pour out weekend after weekend and Jessica and I have realized it's so important to allow time to get filled back up. We know that the Lord is the source of our creativity, seeing as how He is the most creative One (seriously have you seen a starry night up North?) and so the two of us often will take time to just be creative. Jessica loves typography, design and make-up artistry. I love painting (i'm not very good), wood burning and calligraphy. Something else that also bring us joy and life is capturing life, on our own time, at our favourite golden hour and with some friends. So this month we put together a creative collective. We gathered together at Kingston Mills, with a mission, literally though, I actually made a challenge that said "this is your mission should you choose to accept it". We had three incredible models, 2 hours, beautiful light and our cameras. Here are some behind the scenes of our first Kingston Creative Collective.